Part 6
Yet, what we consider so righteous, our enemies consider an instrument of fear. Perhaps our messengers mirror their own insecurities, reveal to them the harsh realities of their own meaningless existence. We will grant them meaning before we deny them existence.
For a brief moment, we witness what could best be described as mass confusion and hysteria, as the local Klackon populace are deprived of meaning, forced into a freedom they were not prepared for. In short order, promotions are doled out, the ranks are re-established, and their resistance continues.
This meat erred in revealing themselves to us. Do they think themselves wise for establishing a government based on something as arbitrary as gender? Do they think themselves powerful for weighing so much on luck, rather than individual merit and proficiency? Do they truly think that such flawed logic can hope to overcome our perfection?
What if...
They wept.
Their cries of pain would not cease, resonating throughout both day and night, tireless. They knew their queen was lost, her bulbous corpse smoldering in her royal chamber, smoking from the blasts of the sentry guns mounted, ironically, for her defense.
In one death, we had doomed billions. We had stripped from them the only life they knew, and they would not, or could not, adapt to a life of their own choosing.
How pathetic these creatures turned out to be. Given their industrious nature, we thought them capable of most wondrous achievements, a suitable will to contest our own. However, their rigid attachment to the familiar crippled them, stifled their own ability to grow, progress, and evolve. If they dared to venture into the unknown, perhaps they would have been capable of developing a will to match their queen's.
Yet, in complacency, in stability, in ignorance, they found something that we have sought for so long.
They found happiness.
We pray that our search does not render us equally worthless.